The Yearly Guardian Mantras

Self and High Self and the Divine Connections

Each year, the Qi Men Dun Jia energy chart shifts and we have a new Guardian that visits us for 12 months. These Guardians are endowed with certain spiritual gifts that we may access at any time. It is through accessing and activating the inner divine spark that we can benefit from the year’s energy footprint.

You must first determine your Personal Destiny Palace to unlock which Guardian is part of your life this year. If you do not know your palace, please complete the free courses on and learn how to find this aspect of your life and what your Guardian of Destiny brings to you on a daily basis.

Once you know your Destiny Palace, you can determine which Guardian is visiting your life this year and begin to activate that divine spark within you.

Sit with your back to your Destiny Palace and use the corresponding mantra to ignite your spiritual connection.

NORTHWEST:  MOON:  I am open to experiences that promote my personal growth.
I am bringing in the knowledge I need right now to live at my highest level.
I am accessing wonderful information and guidance at the exact time needed.
I am connected into divine wisdom and know I can accomplish anything I desire

NORTHEAST:  CHIEF:  I am being supported with new opportunities in my life.
I am recognizing that all who come into my life have value and will teach me something I need to know or understand.
I am learning the harder lessons of life with ease, fun and grace.
I am connecting with the right people who will assist me in upgrading my quality of life
I am open to expanding my network and acting on new opportunities to increase my income

SOUTHEAST:  EARTH: I am accessing joy in my everyday life.
I am healing my emotions, thoughts, and any physical pain by being open to the opportunities and specialists who come into my life
I am infusing everything I do with joy and happiness
I am creating an energy of healing for my heart and soul and treat myself with compassion.
I am spreading joy to everyone I meet and in turn, I am healing myself.

EAST:  HEAVEN: I am opening myself to abundant possibilities in my life.
I am releasing any blocks in my life, so abundance flows freely to me in every way
I am a money magnet, I love money, and money loves me
I am easily seeing and taking the opportunities in my path that will improve my life

WEST:  HARMONY:  I am gaining trust in others, and I am loving myself.
I am connecting with my inner best self to empower confidence and trust that the universe supports me in living my happiest and best life.
I am embracing a level of awareness and self-actualization
I am worthy
I am enough
I am loved and share my love with others freely

SOUTH:  TORTOISE:  (select a person you admire or who you wish to model your life around)
I am opening my heart to success and happiness.
I am connected to (state the name of the person you admire) and am understanding how they cultivate happiness and success in their lives.
I am shielded from others’ negative energy and have the courage to stand up for the greater good
I am adding value to the lives of those around me

SOUTHWEST:  TIGER:  I am being given strength to align with centering myself.
I am asking to be aligned with growing a core of personal courage and strength to achieve (state your goals)
I am courageous and am taking the next steps forward to reach my goals
I am keeping my thinking positive.
I am confident and secure, knowing that I am being guided and given courage when I need it

NORTH:  SNAKE:  I am easily finding the resources needed to take the next step forward in my life
I am willing to take action on achieving the outcomes I want to produce
I am a master communicator and now exactly what to say and when to say it
I am able to manage any risk that arises simply because I am supported by people, money, and ideas when I need them
I am listening to my intuition and will allow faith to guide my path